This book, to me.. is all lipstick stains and blood-soaked floors. It's long stares into the eyes of strangers, but feeling like you already know them. It's being intrigued by mysterious boys, and finding safety in others, It's a little bit The Mentalist, with the dark secret murder mystery that both haunts and fuels; and a little bit Rookie Blue, with the newbie divisions and police uniforms, and the little team that knows most of each other's secrets but not all the information behind their hurt. it's not knowing but thinking that you do.
I'd been reading Gillian Flynn books when I started this, so I might have a skewed sense, but I sometimes felt like everything I saw coming.. happened. She was giving clues and I was getting them.. Like in a predictable crime show. And I didn't like that. There were moments of figuring out, what the department is, who to trust, not knowing all her secrets or the choices she'll make. But I don't want to feel like that in a book, I want to always be.. gasping and twisty and excited. BUT THEN!
And this is totally not a spoiler but I have to say DAT PLOT TWIST THO! Damn baby gurl. JLynn you ROCKED it! (I get gansta when I'm tired, but I really did, there were gasps and there were feelings.) And it was totally worth any predictable moments!